You can download copy of the assignments here (late policy can be found in the syllabus). These are intended to mostly be completable within the dedicated class time.
Please submit assignments as a knitted PDF via Brightspace and include a link to your git repo containing the original Rmarkdown file.
Practical 0 - Reproducible Health Data Science Research
[Intro to R (html)] [Intro to R (rmd)] [Practical 0 (html)] [Practical 0 (rmd)]
Practical 1 - Medical Databases
Due: 2023/05/28 23:59
[Practical (html)] [Practical (rmd)] [Dataset] [Data Dictionary]
Practical 2 - Electronic Medical Records (Dr. Jay Kumar)
Due: 2023/06/04 23:59
[Practical (html)] [Practical (rmd)]
Practical 3 - Medical Images
Due: 2023/06/11 23:59
[Practical (rmd)] [Dataset (zip)] [Practical (html)] [Practical (ipynb backup for running on google colab using R runtime)]