Open positions

Postdoctoral Positions

Note: We currently don’t have funding for additional postdoctoral positions. We can only welcome you if you have a fellowship. I’d be happy to support you after you apply to our group. Take a look at the Killam and Banting Fellowships

PhD Studentship

Note: We currently don’t have open positions for PhD students without funding

Masters Studentships

Ecological Epidemiology of Zoonotic Poxviruses

We are currently hiring an MSc in Community Health & Epidemiology student to work on a project within a virology, veterinary medicine, and wildlife ecology collaboration between Canada, Ghana, and Nigeria. The goal of this project is to summarise and experimentally evaluate the relative zoonotic transmission potential of different pathways (e.g., fomites, direct contact, water contamination, butchery). Specifically, this project will involve conducting a literature review of zoonotic pathways, supporting the development of animal and cell culture CL3 challenge experiments, and phylogenomic analysis of sequenced mpox and varicella viruses from these experiments.

Research in Medicine or Residency Research Projects

If you are a medical student or resident that wishes to do a research project in health data science (or more specific infectious disease/medical microbiology computational work) please send me an email and we have a chat!

Undergraduate Project Students

If you are interested in pursuing a summer internship or honours project, please send me an email early in the academic year so we can try and apply for funding to pay you (e.g., NSERC USRA). State why you are interested, the sort of project you would like to do, and attach your CV. If you are applying to fulfill specific program requirements (e.g., honours), note this in your email!

Current projects that would be a good fit (although if you have your own idea please get in touch):

  • Infectious Disease Bioinformatics/Genomic Epidemiology: Working with clinicians, public health experts to continue development of the Evolving Threat Detector. This is a tool that is designed to identify and report new evolving resistance to antibiotics. Great fit for any student interested in front-end development, microbial bioinformatics, machine learning, and/or working as part of an international consortia.

  • Computational Social Science/Health Data Science: Working with social scientists to develop a database and front-end to support qualitative and natural language processing analyses of text data scraped from social media websites. The goal of this broader project is to characterise radicalisation in online spaces.

  • Genomic epidemiology of zoonotic viruses

Past open positions

You find the past job openings here:

  • CANMOD Postdoctoral Fellow

  • USRA: Computational Social Science. Using Natural Language Processing methods to investigate online radicalisation. Building on existing work with colleagues in Sociology (e.g., recent qualitative work). Would be a great fit for any student interested in NLP, computational social science, social media data, or radicalisation.